PlexConnect on aTV (jailbroken) Install Python on aTV (current version: python_2.7.3-3_iphoneos-arm.deb) - download "" - SFTP "python_2.7.3-3_iphoneos-arm.deb" to your aTV - SSH into aTV and execute... "apt-get update" "apt-get upgrade" just to make sure you have the latest packages "apt-get install cydia" "apt-get install python" this will pull and install python 2.5.1 with all dependencies "dpkg -i python_2.7.3-3_iphoneos-arm.deb" this will update python to 2.7.3 Push PlexConnect to aTV - SFTP into aTV and copy the complete PlexConnect directory to eg. /Application/PlexConnect. OPTION A - run PlexConnect as always, re-using - make sure you have good certs in /PlexConnect/assets/certificates if not, generate and add them... - SFTP PlexConnect/support/aTV_jailbreak/Settings_Trailers.cfg to PlexConnect/Settings.cfg overwrite the later if already there this brings new defaults for PlexConnect@aTV, like disabling DNSServer /etc/hosts - add content of PlexConnect/support/aTV_jailbreak/hosts_addon_PlexConnect to /etc/hosts this redirects the trailer app back to aTV itself, replacing the DNSServer OPTION B - create own PlexConnect button - SFTP PlexConnect/support/aTV_jailbreak/Settings_PlexConnect.cfg to PlexConnect/Settings.cfg overwrite the later if already there this brings new defaults for PlexConnect@aTV, like disabling DNSServer/WebServer SSL Install PlexConnect button to aTV home screen - SSH into aTV - CD into the PlexConnect directory. Eg. "cd /Application/PlexConnect" - run "./support/aTV_jailbreak/install_button.bash" this will set up /Library/Managed Preferences/mobile/ /User/Library/Application Support/Front Row/ExtraInternetCategories.plist ./support/aTV_jailbreak/bag.plist and thereby enabling the AddSite hack tailored to PlexConnect. Thanks to D. Schuetz! ( FINISH INSTALLATION Install PlexConnect as daemon - SSH into aTV - CD into the PlexConnect directory. Eg. "cd /Application/PlexConnect" - run "./support/aTV_jailbreak/install.bash" /etc/hosts - optional: add PlexConnect/support/aTV_jailbreak/hosts_addon_preventATVUpdate this prevents aTV update Reboot Done! Debug PlexConnect check processes - "ps -ef" should find 3 Python/PlexConnect related processes check launchctl - "launchctl list | grep .plexconnect." should give " - com.plex.plexconnect.bash.plist" check StdOut, StdErr - in com.plex.plexconnect.bash.plist swap comments for StandardOutPath, StandardErrorPath payload dump data to real file: ./PlexConnect_stdout.log, ./PlexConnect_stderr.log prevent output (dflt): /dev/null - run "./support/aTV_jailbreak/uninstall.bash" - run "./support/aTV_jailbreak/install.bash"