POT: - grab "genpot" by bcse: https://gist.github.com/bcse/6357484 (like "pygettext.py", but also handles out .xml and .js files) - configure "base_path" - execute "python genpot.py > plexconnect.pot" PO: - http://www.getlocalization.com/PlexConnect/ MO: - "msgfmt.py plexconnect.po" Big thanks to Grey Lee for big parts of the internationalization source code! Another big thanks to all those doing the translations at http://www.getlocalization.com/PlexConnect/ CountryCodes getLocal - codes used at http://www.getlocalization.com/PlexConnect/ aTV - codes as of iOS 5.2.1 getLocal aTV description en en English fr fr Français (French) de de Deutsch (German) ja-JP ja 日本語 (Japanese) nl nl Nederlands (Dutch) it it Italiano (Italian) es es Español (Spanish) pt-PT pt_PT Português (Portugal) (Portuguese Portugal) da da Dansk (Danish) fi fi Suomi (Finnish) no nb Norse (Norwegian) sv sv Svenska (Swedish) ko ko 한국어 (Korean) zh_Hans 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese) (zh_CN on iOS <6) zh-TW zh_Hant 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese) (zh_TW on iOS <6) ru ru Русский (Russian) pl-PL pl Polski (Polish) pt-BR pt Português (Brasil) (Portuguese Brasil) en_GB British English ro ro Română (Romanian) tr-TR tr Türkçe (Turkish) ca-AD ca Català (Catalan) grk el Ελληνικά (Greek) hu-HU hu Magyar (Hungarian) cs-CZ cs Čeština (Czech) uk Українська (Ukrainian) id Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) vi Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) ms Bahasa Melayu (Malay) th ไทย (Thai) sk Slovenščina (Slovene) hr Croatian (Hrvatski) unsupported by aTV he -- עִבְרִית (Hebrew)